Registrations Now Open for Summer Camp 2014 Saturday
Click PROGRAMS for Summer Camp 2014 and Spring Saturday programs
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MASA is a program that provides high achieving and gifted students a comfortable and safe environment where they receive an education that excels in Math, Arts, and Science. lostmaryecig.co.uk Students will have opportunities through hands-on activities and inquiry based instruction to explore, comprehend, analyze, discover, and evaluate concepts while motivating one another. MASA nurtures the unique needs of every student while encouraging the development of our future scientists, mathematicians, writers, and thinkers to delve deeper and reach their true potential.
The organization provides an environment where high achieving and gifted students can challenge themselves and exercise their critical thinking skills to help them develop their intellect, use higher cognitive skills to create and to invent. At MASA, students are not given step by step instructions. Instead, they are encouraged to explore and investigate on their own so that they learn to be problem solvers and overcome the fear of being wrong.
MASA offers two programs throughout the year for students in grades Kindergarten through 8th grade. The Saturday programs are held once a month from September till May and summer camps are in June and July. These programs are held in various locations in Florida. MASA also provides parents and care givers the opportunity to share parenting experiences with each other through our parent workshops and forum. Please click the corresponding links for further program information and application.
To register, please create an account
What Parents and Students Think of MASA:
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Contact MASA
MASA Center
P.O.Box 358
Winter Park, FL 32790
(407) 924 – 4522
[email protected]